Hello, lovelies! :) This is going to be “get to know me post” as the nice Eleonore nominated me for a Liebster Award. As explained before ;) Liebster award is not a real award – it is a chain post series bloggers do. You get nominated when someone tags you to do it.
Even though I have already done one Liebster award post, I thought there is no harm in doing another one, especially because the questions change and this one has a new version with 11 random facts about me! :O
Eleonore is a blogger from The Simpler Writer. She is a really sweet girl who writes a lifestyle blog with a pinch of veganism. I really enjoyed her posts as they are very honest and open, therefore interesting to read. :) Please, head over to her blog and have a read, and maybe even leave a comment? ;) And, Eleonore, thank you so much for nominating me! :)
The Official Rules of the Liebster Award
Write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:
- Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
- Display the award on your blog – by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”.
- Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
- Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
- Nominate 5-11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have less than 1000 followers
- Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
- List these rules in your post.
- Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.
Ok, Let’s get started! :) Answers to questions from Eleonore
What’s your favourite aspect of blogging? I love meeting and communicating with people from all over the World. It is so exciting! I also enjoy expressing myself in writing, seeing my hard work resulting in beautiful blogposts and passing on my ideas, inspiration and support to someone who really needs it. Ahh.. Globalization is the best!! :D :)
What’s your favourite tv show(s)? A classic – Friends. :) I also like Gossip Girl, Pretty Little liars, White Collar, Scorpion, Full House and Fuller House, Supergirl and Flash. Big Bang Theory is a good one too.
What is your dream job? I want to start by being a successful online magazine/business owner and editor and then provide lectures and run projects regarding with the topic of my business. But most importantly, I want to do daily what brings me joy and feeling of satisfaction, I want to do something that is meaningful to me, something I see is worth spending my time on and something where I can be creative and be logical, and put all my talents in.
What’s your favourite meal? Fried… almost anything. :D ;) Veggie style though. I don’t eat meat much, almost none. :) I also love a good mushroom sauce and the cold beetroot soup (marinated beets, potatoes, cucumber, eggs, dills, spring onions and kefir). From sweets my faves are muffins with somekind of delicious frosting. Love frosting. :)
Where do you plan on traveling next? I do not have travelling plans at the moment!
When you started your blog, did you expect it all to be as it is now? (ex: amount of followers and readers…) I have no idea what I expected when I started out. I think I thought it is easier to grow a blog. I also didn’t expect it to be such a challenge to post on ALL social media platforms and come up with fresh content all the time. I also didn’t expect that publishing a blogpost can take so much time. It seems so easy!
Where are you from? Name something positive about your country/ies. I am from Latvia. Positive thing about Latvia is that we have a lot of country side and nature. And the food is quite clean and fresh, we don’t have a lot of proceeded food options as in other countries, and I like it. :) Another thing I love about my country is that we have old historical heritage and culture.
Have you ever lived outside your home country? Where? No, I haven’t. I would love to do it though. :)
Where would you like to live if you get the opportunity? I am not 100% sure. I think I would choose somewhere in Europe. I really like Switzerland and Austria, but I don’t know if I would like to live there.
What’s the main quality you look for in a friend? Integrity and a loving heart. I do have a whole post on this topic :D or at least in the comments section I explain in more depth, so you can check it out here. :)
If there is one thing you could change about the world, what would it be? I would make people more empathetic and wiser. I would want people to care about Environment, about Peace, about Development, about Intelligence, about working together. There is no need to change one thing that is a symptom, for example, pollution. You need to change the root and it is the Human.
11 random facts about me
1. My favourite season is Autumn and I realized that just this year. :) Why? I like the feeling of a new working/study season starting. It feels like a fresh start to me.
And the best thing about Autumn, there is no pressure to have fun. :D At least that’s how I feel about Summer. I like the sunshine and warm weather, and swimming etc, BUT there is that pressure to have THE perfect summer – to go outside A LOT, to sunbathe, to travel, to party, to HAVE exciting plans. I hate it. :D At least at the moment. No one asks me what plans I have for Autumn and it’s great. :D I can have fun but I can also just work inside and don’t feel guilty for not sinking in the sun or warmth.
And I do love the crisp weather. I love the cold-ish air and rosy cheeks. And I love to come inside and feel warm and cozy.
And I really like the coloured leaves. How beautiful is that??
Yup, I’m an Autumn girl. ;)
2. I prefer my ice-cream slightly melted. Yuuuum!
3. When I finished high school I wanted to be a play director in theater or dance choreographer. What a pipe dream. :D (It just wasn’t really for me :) )
4. I don’t drink caffeinated coffee anymore. I do make my own decaf – decaf coffee shot, soy milk + ½ teaspoon of coconut oil mixed together in milk frother. Yummy, yummy! :)
5. I am quite flexible comparing to an average person’s stretchiness. I wasn’t born with it though. I work on my flexibility seriously from the age of 17 when I took ballet classes.
Now I stretch daily give or take – it is a part of my Evening routine. I also recently heard an interesting fact that stretching releases happinness hormones. A bonus! :)
6. All my closest friends are from high school or more precisly elementary school, and most of them I have known since 1st grade.
7. I am an adventurous girl. I love outdoor adventures – walking, hiking or orienteering and exploring new places even in night time. However! I like to do it in the ‘right’ company. ;) You know, it is important for me what are the people with whom I am exploring because exploring with the ‘wrong’ ones is not fun at all. :/ Do I sound too uptight? I guess so. But I don’t click with ALL people and that’s fine! It is just important to me to feel comfortable with people I choose to do fun things outdoors. :) (read about my adventure’s buddy in this post)
8. I always prefer one to one conversations with rare exceptions with really close friends.
9. For me the most feminine thing is a beautiful manicure. Then comes the rest.
10. When I was 11 I wrote a book. :D At least that is what I called it. :D It was 2 and a half exercise books long (the thin ones with 16 or 18 pages) and it was a spin off of every child mistical-detective-magical book/movie or TV series I had seen. :D Nevertheless, I was proud then and I am proud now of “my book”. It was meant to be series by the way.
11. In school from 8th to 12th grade I wrote a play each year. My classmates staged it and I was the director or sometimes an actor. In my adult life this is one of the things I really miss, the chance to write plays, direct them and have SO MUCH fun in the process. There is no other thing as performing. I grew up performing (dancing, piano concerts, plays) and I will always be a performer in my heart <3 and STAGE holds a special part in it.
Blogs I nominate for Liebster Award:
Antonia from Sweet Passions
Ghenet from Ghenet Actually
Caya from Caya_Te & Live
fromLeta from The Nerdy Me
Kara from Kara’s Closet
Questions for you lovely ladies! :)
(I will not be original and use the same questions I made up for my 1st Liebster award (little modified version though). :))
- What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?
- How many and what languages do you speak?
- To which country or place in this World are you drawn to with no reason at all? Or what culture/place/country you really admire.
- Are you old fashioned? Nevertheless, what’s your favourite era?
- What hobbies do you have now and what hobbies/outside school activities did you have when growing up?
- Which is your most “liked” picture on instagram? Why do you think it is so? And if you don’t use instagram, why not? :)
- In a few words, how your friends describe you? (you can choose how many friends you ask :) )
- What do you feel like you are good at (it can be anything, form profession to folding socks. ;) The little things count too!)?
- What’s your perfect lifestyle you would love to live? Maybe you are living it already?
- What’s the meaning behind your blog name and how you came up with it?
- What are the qualities in yourself you are proud of? :)
Oh sorry for being so talkative about myself. But as they say – we all love to talk about ourselves :D and since Eleonore asked.. ;) Soo here you go! Hope you enjoyed getting to know me better.
Now it’s your turn! Tell me some random facts about you in the comments or answer some or all of the questions. :)
With love,
Let’s stay in touch! FOLLOW Lookforsmile blog everywhere else online. :)
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#LiebsterAward post. ?? Get to know fellow bloggers! ? Share on X
Congrats on the well-deserved award! I also love my ice-cream slightly melted, yum!
Could I ask what template you use? I meant to post and ask you this a while ago but I felt cheeky asking, I just love the layout.
Caz :)
Thank you! :) <3 And melted ice-cream is the best. :))
Do you mean what is the name of my blog theme? :) It is InFashion by ThemeWarriors. :) However I am thinking of changing it up soon. ;) But I still like this template. :)
Thank you so much for your kind words! It was great reading your replies to my questions! :D
I’m very impressed by the fact that you are a proper writer and directed your own plays!! How wonderful! I hope you will be able to perform again in the future, if it is something you’d want to start again.
And great yoga pose by the way! ;)
You’re welcome! :) It was fun answering them too! :)
Oh thank you! :) <3 Not sure I really AM a proper writer :D but writing is a passion of mine for years now. :) I would love to perform again! Just need the right time and place. :)
Thank you! :) Namaste. ;) <3