Hello, awesome readers! :) Recently I wrote a post about why I am thankful for the existence of social media and in that post I had an idea about using social media as a tool not as a hobby. So that is how the idea of today’s post was born and let’s go explore it!
Disclaimer. When I talk about Social media, I personally think about Instagram and Youtube, and occasionaly twitter, because those are the platforms I use daily and enjoy. Yes, I am NOT a facebook fan.
1.Interact. Don’t just mindlesly scroll through the posts, interact with people who made the post. Leave a comment, send a DM (direct message), start a conversation. Put in some effor to connect on a deeper level than just “like” or “heart”! This kind of interaction will make you feel more satisfied and you might even build some real connection there!
I do believe that SM main goal is to bring people together, share your story AND listen to others stories. It is an exchange not a place for judgment, comparison or fame. So do that! Be brave and connect with the World.
Instagram tip! You can even practise your complimenting skills by going through your feed and writing a comment to every single post and finding something positive you can comment on.
2. Put out there content yourself. Don’t be the mindless scroller – make photos, videos and post them. Have fun with it! That way you will also have bigger appreciation for other people’s posts and you will feel more engaged in the activity. And it is exciting to create. :)
3. Limit yourself. Be aware of the time you spend scrolling. It is possible to spend hours on SM and even if you are soaking in inspiration, most likely you can get inspired in the first 10 minutes and then just keep going “because it feels good”. But much better way is to limit yourself, get inspired in those 10 minutes and get back into real life and do something useful with your inspiration!
4. Always ask questions. This goes well together with the previous one. When using SM, time to time ask yourself this question – does this bring me value? It depeneds are you reading words of wisdom or looking at your previous job collegue’s (you weren’t even that close) second cousin’s birthday party picture. The question – does this bring me value? puts things in perspective. And if that doesn’t bring you value, close the SM app imediately and refocus your energy to real life events.
5. Make goals. Sounds too serious, right? :D But why not? To live a consious life it is very important to know why you do things. Even when relaxing, you have a goal – to relax, to enjoy the movie, to have a good laugh, to have a good time, to connect with friends etc. Put a goal to your SM usage. Why do you enter Instagram app? Is it to get that daily dose of inspiration? To pass time on bus? To enjoy beautiful imaginery? Find your own goal and use SM accordingly. You can have a different goal for every SM platform as they offer different kind of interaction.
6. Participate in movements. SM opens the door to express your opinion. For example, you can join a hashtag movement and actually impact something in the World. Or at least help to make a noise that will hopefully reach hearing ears. Use the SM for good and see the benefits globalization can bring!
Ok, that is it for my tips how to use Social media as a tool not a hobby. If you have any other tips or ideas how to use Social media as a tool not a hobby, please share them in the comments! :)
I love sharing this idea that SM is not the devil, SM is what we make it. Literally. This is the weirdest concept for business, if you think about it. They offer the frame (the packaging) and the customer (user) creates the product himself. So be kind and create valuable content, it is all in your hands. And have fun as well. ;)
How do you use Social media as a tool not a hobby? :) Also, share your instagram un twitter profile so we can connect on there too! :)
With love,
Let’s stay in touch! FOLLOW Lookforsmile blog everywhere else online. :)
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How to use Social Media as a tool not a hobby - use SM wisely! ?✨? Share on X
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I really enjoyed this post and learned a lot from it! Thank you for producing such good and inspiring content.
Thank you, Carla! I appreciate you reading the post and getting something out of it for yourself! It warms my heart. :)
I’m so grateful for this post!
I sometimes struggle with using social media as a tool, but when I do it works in my favour!
I’ve taken a screenshot of some of your tips too!
Thank you,
TwoofthemOneofme x
Oh thank you so much!! :)) It is such an honor that you screenshotted some of my tips!! P.S. I really loved your writing on your blog – it was so easy to read and authentic, honest. :) Keep up the good work!! :))
Love the tips! It’s quite important to know how to use Social Media in order for it not to damage your life but rather improve it. I do try to interact with others as much as I can but sometimes I notice that I struggle to find time to do so. I’ll need to work on that! x
-Leta | http://www.thenerdyme.com
Thank you! :) Yes it is important to learn how to manage one’s SM usage, it can be such an addictive space!