Hey, awesome people! :) Working from home – sounds so tempting, doesn’t it? Not rushing to work, being able to wear comfy clothes, have a lunch break whenever (or even two!), be your own boss etc. I’ve done working from home and most likely that is the office I prefer, but there are some disadvantages as well. And that’s what this post is about! :) What challenges to expect when working from home and suggested solutions to overcome them! :)
Work ethics. You can sleep in, no one will notice, if you watch a youtube video or two during the working hours, no one will say anything and so on. It is all up to you. I think maintaining work ethics is the hardest in the beginning because you are just starting out and your business is not giving back anything. You don’t have bunch of emails waiting to be read, you don’t have any ready work patterns etc. You need to plan everything from the scratch and sometimes it is too overwhelming. So strong work ethics and discipline is a must. How to achieve that? Well, who knows. :D I know I should give you some advice, but I don’t believe in those tips like – use a planner, set your goals, then stick to it, because we all know, you can make the plans, set the goals and still don’t accomplish them. My biggest tip – find inner motivation: reasons why you do it, what do you wanna accomplish in bigger picture and remind yourself that to achieve a bigger goal, you need to start out small and work, work, work every day. Even if you manage to do just a little bit today, give yourself a pat on the back, because even a small step is a step closer to you goal. :)
Getting motivated depends on you. In life to accomplish things you need motivation. A LOT. Don’t you agree? I struggle with finding it though. How about you? I see youtubers and social influencers who are always saying how excited they are for this and that, but I don’t feel that excited about that many things in life. Do you? I mean I don’t have a book coming out or my own clothing line etc. :D Ok, now I am just complaining, but the point is, finding motivation in REGULAR everyday life, sometimes is challenging. Especially if you are working from home and let’s be honest, don’t meet a lot of people on every day basis. And we as humans are social beings and a lot of our motivation comes from being with other like-minded people. Not all motivation but a lot of it. But when working from home, you need to learn getting motivated on your own. I already suggested that you need inner motivation – something to remember why you do what you do. But what else? Few minutes long youtube videos are Ok, TED talks if you are into that, working out is AWESOME to get motivated and energetic for life (even really small ones, up to 5 min workouts do wonders), chatting with like-minded people could help too (I am still looking for an online support group for young entrepreneurs). If I will have more tips, I will share them with you. ;) DEFINITELY.
Push yourself hard. I don’t know how about you, but sometimes when working from home I feel more relaxed, more “I can take a little break, I’m soooo sleeepy”. Of course the ability to have small naps is one of the best things when working from home, I will never get why most offices do not have sofas to have little naps on. People need naps!! But this time I don’t mean efficient naps but that general sleepy feeling, you know, when you don’t have the zest to do something and you feel like a break will fix it. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. You need to be smart there and time to time push yourself to work through the drowsiness. Another tip would be – change the task. Do something else, maybe you are not up today for a creative work but will find satisfaction in some non-creative routine tasks.
How about you? Have you worked from home? What would be your biggest tip for those who wanna start working from home?
With love,
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Working from home challenges - what to expect and how to fix it.??? Share on X
Great tips! It’s hard to stay motivated sometimes, when you can just stay in bed. I enjoy working from home, but it does turn me into a sort of recluse lol! I also work longer hours when I’m at home, because it’s super easy to just keep working and forget the time.
Ashlynn | http://thecrimsoncardigan.com
Oh yes totally agree that it can get lonely and about the longer hours. I forgot to mention that, it is hard to stop wen you can just keep going. But rest is important too. :) I sometimes also miss that I don’t have a journey to a workspace because when I can roll out of bed and be already “in the office”, I sometimes even don’t go outside! :/ Especially when there is much to do. Going out just for going out sake seems such a waste of time! :D
I loved this post and I do think it’s sometimes difficult to get yourself motivated!
Yeeees it is. :/ I remember when working in office some days I didn’t feel motivated as well but then my colleagues cheered me up or just I couldn’t afford being lazy and once started, motivated came too. :)
Never tried working from home (although I would love to in the future) but I think I would easily get bored and fidgety. Lol.
Yees, working from home has some advantages and disadvantages. :) I also think that it is more suited for some people and some are more comfortable in office or working outside their homes. :) Just different people.
Great tips :) I think I would only be in PJ if I need to work from home :D
Pink Frenzy
Yes, it is sometimes challenging. ;) But I love that I can sit in a half lotus pose while working. ;) Something I couldn’t do in an office wearing jeans or skirt.. ;) hehe.
Great tips. Although I’m not working from home as I’m going to college I definitely think that some of these tips I can easily apply in my situation. Sometimes it can be hard to push yourself to do better or find that motivation. That’s something I need to work more on. xo
Antonia || Sweet Passions
Yes, studying is like working from home as that is the place where most of the work gets done. :D Being motivated ALL THE TIME is quite hard :/ sometimes just have to think about the bigger goal and do work/school things even when not feeling motivated or excited.. But when the results kick in, it is really awesome! :) Wishing you the best being motivated and pushing yourself a little bit harder to achieve your dreams and goals! :)