Hi, guys! After posting that previous autumnal post I remembered I have even more sunny Autumn pictures I intended to share but time kind of got in a way and they were forgotten. You migh notice that these are from the same shoot from which I have picked my profile pictures on this blog, social media etc. BUT they were so lovely I wanted to put some more out there, sooo I am doing that now!
In the previous post I was kind of depressed, well, maybe a little bit, at least it wasn’t that cheerful or uplifting (I think), so I guess I should make this one more bright! :)
Self doubt. “Uuuu, that’s not cheerful”, you’ll think. Well, it becomes when I share my little advice how to overcome it. All from experience. Also, I am NOT totally in the “I am craazyy-confident about myself level” but I am getting there. And you should too.
I think self doubt can be so diverse. You can have it in one area, but be totally confident in other. So, it is not all not bad. Trust me.
Sooo… here come my tips how to banish self doubt!
1. You are awesome! Yes, sometimes it is hard to believe but it’s true. You will probably wonder how on Earth can I know this. Well, you are here. On Earth. You have a purpose because every human being has talents, gifts and a specific areas he or she is good at. That’s a fact. Sooner you accept that, sooner we can move on to tip no 2.
2. So, when we have straightened out the first point, we can talk Honesty. And I don’t mean telling someone they have ugly Christmas jumper on. I mean being honest to yourself. Mostly when we think we are embarresed of ourselves in front of OTHERS, we are actually embarresed about ourselves in front of OURSELVES. Makes no sense, right? You see, even if others judge, WE are the ones who have to live with the though of their judgment, if we don’t judge ourselves, can others judgment influence us? NO. So, the point is, be honest to yourself. Even if you are judging yourself, be honest about the fact that you are judging yourslef and being the biggest enemy to yourself. Be honest about what you like and what you dislike, at least to yourself. That’s the most important part. TO YOURSELF. When you are no-feelings attached honest to yourself, you will feel the self confidence thriving because you are finally the person you always wanted to be AND you will feel so free and uplifted because there is no need to please others or pretend. HONESTY IS FREEDOM. And we all love freedom, right?
3. Put yourself in the centre of your life. Self doubt comes from not being able to live up to expectation from yourself, society, parents etc. So, when YOU are in the centre of your life, you are the master. The trick is to BELIEVE you have the power over your life (because, to be honest, you are the only one who actually has) and when you have that, the self doubt is just a shadow of past. Taking power of your life in your own hands means realizing that all the decisions you make, you make conciously. You say NO when you want to and say YES when you want to. It is all yours. Also, comes back to point 2, the Honesty, because without that… well you will not now what decisions to make.
These are my 3 little tips, I am sure there are more to add to this topic, but not this time. ;) Also, remember I am not a pshychologist, these are just my own observations of life.
Big thanks to @the.Zane for taking beautiful pictures! If you want to be inspired by more beautiful pictures, follow @the.Zane in Instagram!
Do you have any methods you use to banish self doubt? Share in the comments, I would be happy to know more! :)
With love,
I am also in the social media. Come meet me there! :) Instagram | Twitter! :) Or send me a personal message to e-mail: lookforsmile1 [at] gmail [dot] com! :)
These are some great tips! I feel like dealing with self doubt is an almost daily battle as an entrepreneur, but one that must be pushed passed in order to keep going and succeed. Glad I stumbled upon this post! :-)
Hello, Allison! I am very happy you enjoyed my tips! :) Self-doubt is really common in one way or another for young entrepreneurs and other people who ar starting to do something new!
Hope you are having an awesome day,