Riga old town, white dress - look for smile
Photo – Ineta

(Pretty pictures from a photoshoot last summer. I added these because of, you know, the qualitative photos :D. Read the post, you’ll understand)

I’ve been thinking about what makes a blog great, what makes it worthy to read (as you may guess, this is a live topic for me ;) because I want my blog to be professional and interesting. I want it to be a cozy, inspirational space where, if I was a reader, would want to spend my time and actually gain some entertaining, useful, motivating or encouraging information.

Riga old town, white dress - look for smile
Photo – Ineta

Here are the things I found, I like on other women blogs (women blogs, I know, to be honest, right now I don’t follow any man written blogs, it is unintentional, just happened like that, guess women blogs inspire me more? You know, the style, lifestyle, girly crafts and hacks.. But I would like to read some man blogs, too, after I write this, I am going in google search for great man blog find! ;) If you know something/someone I should read, plese, share! :)).
So, back to the topic, the things I found important for every blog:

Pictures. Very important is to have qualitative pictures, because blog is not just about text, it’s about visuals too and we all like pretty pictures. :D I will definately work on mine.

Blog is not just about text, it’s about visuals too.

blog is not just about text, it’s about visuals
Photo – Ineta

Clean design. I like those blogs with minimalistic touch, when it is easy to find everything I need and it is not overhelmed with advertisement, previous post or other stuff. I know, a lot of bloggers earn money with advertisement in their blogs and that’s ok, just have to find that tasteful middle way.

Authenticity. This could be the most important, how do you think? If I read a blog, I always want to hear an honest opinion, what the person really thinks. It’s the most fun to read – the diversity of opinions and points of view! And it is always touching, when person shares something that is personal and true for him/her.

blog is not just about text, it’s about visuals
Photo – Ineta

As a reader, I like to be entertained and new content at least every other day keeps things interesting.

Frequency. If being a professional blogger is not your day job, it is hard to keep up everyday or every other day blogging. I really admire and respect those bloggers who blog „by side” of their job/school/anything else and still have frequent, qualitative posts. Applause to them! But as a reader, I like to see regular updates on the blog, I like to be entertained and new content at least every other day keeps things interesting. That doesn’t mean I don’t follow blogs where posts are not that frequent, I do. Also, the social media helps to keep connected with readers and if you have updates there but don’t have a new post, it still feels like you still are an active blogger and your life is going on, and stuff is happening. I am entertained! ;) How to explain this, when there is a deadly silence in your blog for a weak and I JUST read your blog, not social media, it feels like you have totally gone off the grid, and I have no idea will new posts come. So…, follow bloggers in social media! ;)

Riga old town, orange dress - look for smile
Photo – Ineta

Something useful. Not just I like to get inspired from what other people have been up to from pictures etc, I like to read and gain some useful information too. Some tips, some experiences to try, some new life aspects, something to learn or just a point of view to broaden my boundaries. It can be anything, what you think someone else could use in his life, but always it has to be written from you perspective.

It can be anything, what you think someone else could use in life.

Riga old town, orange and pink dress - look for smile
Photo – Ineta

*DIY and crafts. Also I like DIY posts and to see what others have made with their hands. It really inspires me to try something myself. :) But this is one point that is not relevant for all blogs, I think the other can relate to practically every blog out there. But this is just my opinion, only my opinion. ;)

So those are the main points, I think? Now it is your turn – do you agree with me or totally not? Or you have something to add? Please, do share! :)

Riga old town, orange and pink dress - look for smile
Photo – Ineta




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8 years ago

These are such great tips – I always love reading blogs with great pictures.
And I love that last dress :)

Jess xx

Ellis Tracy
Ellis Tracy
9 years ago

Your blog is great! Love the tips you offered!

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